Cloud computing has brought so many benefits to the healthcare industry.Information abut patients can now be stored in a central place where it can be shared amongst all health organizations and easily accessed, hence saving time and costs. However there are issues with sharing that information on the cloud since it is highly sensitive infomation .Security, availability and scalability are major factors in the cloud computing enviroment. This study presents the current state of the art research in this field by focusing on several shortcomings of current healthcare solutions and standards.This work proposed a system (self-encrypting system) that will enhance security at the client's side by encrypting data before it is being sent to the cloud.This system uses random generated numbers to give access to the user at the cloud's side.The system is intended to be linked to the cloud in such a way that ,before the client submits the data to the cloud, the data will go through that system for encryption. The research presents algorithms on how the system will work .A prototype of the system was developed using the NetBeans platfrom.The results of the prototype show encryption and decryption of a file using Triple des encryption (3DES).An asymmetric encryption standard (RSA) algorothm was used for key distribution to safeguard the file against man-in -the-middle attacks. Different encryption algorithms were also evaluated using different parameters .Three encryption algorithms (3DES, DES and RSA) were compared and triple DES(3DES) proved to be the fairest among them all since it's more secure and efficient as compared to RSA which is slow and DES which is not secure. However, the availability of information and nodes at the cloud cannot be overlooked, hence this work further proposed a mathematical model for measuring the availability of data and nodes. In future the system will be tested in a real working environment to test its effectiveness against vulnerabilities. Lastly, an input function for the graph and weight of the graph will be improved to achieve the complete availability model.