A new generalized class of distributions called the Burr-Weibull Power Series (BWPS) class of distributions is developed and explored. This class of distributions generalizes the Burr power series and Weibull power series classes of distributions, respectively. A special model of the BWPS class of distributions, the new Burr-Weibull Poisson (BWP) distribution is considered and some of its mathematical properties are obtained. The BWP distribution contains several new and well known sub-models, including Burr-Weibull, Burrexponential Poisson, Burr-exponential, Burr-Rayleigh Poisson, Burr-Rayleigh, Burr-Poisson, Burr, Lomax-exponential Poisson, Lomax-Weibull, Lomax-exponential, Lomax-Rayleigh, Lomax-Poisson, Lomax, Weibull, Rayleigh and exponential distributions. Maximum likelihood estimation technique is used to estimate the model parameters followed by a Monte Carlo simulation study. Finally an application of the BWP model to a real data set is presented to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed class of distributions.