Some new generalized distributions called the new Gamma Lindley-Log-logistic
(GLLLoG) distribution, new Weibull Generalised-G (NWG-G) family of
distributions and the Exponentiated Half-Logistic Odd Lindley-G family
of distributions are proposed and presented. These distributions contain
several distributions such as Half-Logistic, Odd Lindley, Lindley, Log-Logistic,
new-Rayleigh generalized-G, new exponential generalized-G, new Rayleigh-G
and the new-Weibull-G family of distributions. A comprehensive investigation
of the properties of these generalized distributions including series expansion of
pdfs, cdfs, moments, hazard functions, quantile functions, moments, conditional
moments, mean deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, Renyi entropy and ´
distribution of order statistics are presented. Model parameters are estimated
using maximum likelihood estimation technique and real datasets are used to
illustrate the potentiality of the three new generalized distributions compared
with other distributions.