Visualizing the invisible: class excursions to ignite children’s enthusiasm for microbes

Show simple item record McGenity, Terry J Gessesse, Amare Hallsworth, John E Cela, Esther Garcia Verheecke-Vaessen, Carol Wang, Fengping Chavarrıa, Max Haggblom, Max M Molin, Søren Danchin, Antoine Smid, Eddy J Lood, Cedric Cockell, Charles S Whitby, Corinne Liu, Shuang-Jiang Keller, Nancy P Stein, Lisa Y Bordenstein, Seth R Lal, Rup Nunes, Olga C Gram, Lone Singh, Brajesh K Webster, Nicole S Morris, Cindy Sivinski, Sharon Bindschedler, Saskia Junier, Pilar Antunes, Andre Baxter, Bonnie K Scavone, Paola Timmis, Kenneth 2021-11-16T09:59:54Z 2021-11-16T09:59:54Z 2020-05-14
dc.identifier.citation McGenity, T.J. et. al. (2020) Visualizing the invisible: class excursions to ignite children’s enthusiasm for microbes. Microbial Biotechnology, 13(4), 884-887, en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1751-7915
dc.description Editorial article en_US
dc.description.abstract We have recently argued that, because microbes have pervasive – often vital – influences on our lives, and that therefore their roles must be taken into account in many of the decisions we face, soci ety must become microbiology-literate, through the introduction of relevant microbiology topics in school curricula (Timmis et al. 2019. Environ Micro biol 21: 1513-1528). The current coronavirus pan demic is a stark example of why microbiology literacy is such a crucial enabler of informed policy decisions, particularly those involving preparedness of public-health systems for disease outbreaks and pandemics. However, a significant barrier to attain ing widespread appreciation of microbial contribu tions to our well-being and that of the planet is the fact that microbes are seldom visible: most people are only peripherally aware of them, except when they fall ill with an infection. And it is disease, rather than all of the positive activities mediated by microbes, that colours public perception of ‘germs’ and endows them with their poor image. It is impera tive to render microbes visible, to give them life and form for children (and adults), and to counter preva lent misconceptions, through exposure to imagina tion-capturing images of microbes and examples of their beneficial outputs, accompanied by a balanced narrative. This will engender automatic mental asso ciations between everyday information inputs, as well as visual, olfactory and tactile experiences, on the one hand, and the responsible microbes/micro bial communities, on the other hand. Such associa tions, in turn, will promote awareness of microbes and of the many positive and vital consequences of their actions, and facilitate and encourage incorpora tion of such consequences into relevant decision making processes. While teaching microbiology topics in primary and secondary school is key to this objective, a strategic programme to expose chil dren directly and personally to natural and managed microbial processes, and the results of their actions, through carefully planned class excursions to local venues, can be instrumental in bringing microbes to life for children and, collaterally, their families. In order to encourage the embedding of microbiology centric class excursions in current curricula, we sug gest and illustrate here some possibilities relating to the topics of food (a favourite pre-occupation of most children), agriculture (together with horticulture and aquaculture), health and medicine, the environ ment and biotechnology. And, although not all of the microbially relevant infrastructure will be within reach of schools, there is usually access to a mar ket, local food store, wastewater treatment plant, farm, surface water body, etc., all of which can pro vide opportunities to explore microbiology in action. If children sometimes consider the present to be mundane, even boring, they are usually excited with both the past and the future so, where possible, vis its to local museums (the past) and research institu tions advancing knowledge frontiers (the future) are strongly recommended, as is a tapping into the natural enthusiasm of local researchers to leverage the educational value of excursions and virtual excursions. Children are also fascinated by the unknown, so, paradoxically, the invisibility of microbes makes them especially fascinating objects for visualization and exploration. In outlining some of the options for microbiology excursions, provid ing suggestions for discussion topics and consider ing their educational value, we strive to extend the vistas of current class excursions and to: (i) inspire teachers and school managers to incorporate more microbiology excursions into curricula; (ii) encour age microbiologists to support school excursions and generally get involved in bringing microbes to life for children; (iii) urge leaders of organizations (biopharma, food industries, universities, etc.) to give school outreach activities a more prominent place in their mission portfolios, and (iv) convey to policymakers the benefits of providing schools with funds, materials and flexibility for educational endeavours beyond the classroom en_US
dc.description.sponsorship UKRI grants: STFC ‘Trace gas bio-signatures: implications for NOMAD’ (ST/S001425/1) and NERC ‘FUSED – Functionality of Urban Soils supporting Ecosystem service Delivery’ (NE/S005560/1). en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiolog en_US
dc.subject Microbes en_US
dc.subject Microbiology literacy en_US
dc.subject Microbiology excursions en_US
dc.title Visualizing the invisible: class excursions to ignite children’s enthusiasm for microbes en_US
dc.description.level phd en_US
dc.description.accessibility unrestricted en_US
dc.description.department bsb en_US

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