Renewable energy technologies range from the well-established, such as hydropower, to the emergent, such as a wind-solar hybrid system. Each technology has its own individual instrumentation requirements to measure and control system variables. This project entails design and development of an effective instrumentation system for a hybrid solar-wind system for households, which will be able to transfer excess power produced into the national grid and establish participants to become independent power producers. Designing an instrumentation system for this hybrid system will require us to measure the following variables: Dc Voltage, Dc Current, Dc Power, Ac Voltage, Ac Current, Ac Power, Wind Direction and speed. Measurements and approximations to be used in this project are obtained from a study undertaken during a site visit to an existing solar system. They will be fed into the simulation using MATLABSimulink to be able to have a close estimate of efficiency and other parameters. Power produced in such a hybrid system can be used to supplement the already existing grid power. An effective instrumentation system as this is a bonus to the still under development smart grid systems, through the use of intelligent electronic devices (IED’s) control commands can be issued to monitor the system remotely.